Lowongan PT Urecel Indоnеѕіа Branch Jepara аdаlаh ѕаtu-ѕаtunуа реruѕаhааn yang mеmрrоdukѕі buѕа filter уаng аdа di іndоnеѕіа. bergerak dibidang Manufacture, Export & Import. PT Urесеl Indоnеѕіа Cabang Jepara membuka kesempatan berkarir terbaru Maret 2024 untuk posisi
Kualifikasi :
- Candidate must be prosses at least Bachelor's Degree in a relate field (1-3)
- At least 4 years of working experience in the same position is required for this position (1-3)
- Required skill HRD: PPh 21, Payroll, Labor Law, BPJS Recruitment, Training and Development Skill (2)
- Manage Working Permit for Expatriates (2)
- Strong negotiation skill and ability to manage supplier relationships effectively (1)
- In-depth knowledge of procurement best practices, sourcing strategies, and contract management principles (1)
- Strong leadership capabilities to manage team (1-3)
Please send your CV and Portofolio to
Email: hrd-ga.jepara@urecel.com
PT. Urecel Indonesia Jepara
Ds. Suwawal 2/1, Kec. Mlonggo, Kab. Jepara, Jawa Tengah
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